NKF, Risk(u), Stockholm
Lina Bjerneld / BILD
Välkommen på release av måleri-zinet BILD på NKF (RIsk(u), Malongen, Nytorget
BILD no 1 Spring
Participating artists: Malin Petersson, Sigrid Sandström, Lina Bjerneld
BILD is a zine dedicated to artistic exploration and practice related to painting.
It serves as an open collaborative platform for work in need of an open, yet to be defined, space to be formulated.
Published as a series, BILD aims to encourage and inspire a dialogue about painting within the local community, while also creating opportunities for alternative exhibition contexts and meaningful conversations.
Välkommen på release av måleri-zinet BILD på NKF (RIsk(u), Malongen, Nytorget
BILD no 1 Spring
Participating artists: Malin Petersson, Sigrid Sandström, Lina Bjerneld
BILD is a zine dedicated to artistic exploration and practice related to painting.
It serves as an open collaborative platform for work in need of an open, yet to be defined, space to be formulated.
Published as a series, BILD aims to encourage and inspire a dialogue about painting within the local community, while also creating opportunities for alternative exhibition contexts and meaningful conversations.